Cloud Native Development and Consulting | LegitBytes


Scaling Your Business with Cloud Native Application Development Services




Simplify operations and weave security into your software delivery process by leveraging extensive tooling, development techniques and deploying applications through a cloud-native approach.


Why Choose LegitBytes for Cloud Application Development?



LegitBytes empowers organizations with cloud application development services and enhances their transformation journey. Our unique cloud management strategies and industrialized solutions help firms from different domains quickly build, test, and deploy cloud apps.

LegitBytes cloud-native development services have helped organizations quickly innovate, improvise, and scale to meet the market’s changing demands. 


Cloud-Based Application Development Services

Agile Approach:

A methodology that values individuals and interactions, working software, and customer collaboration. 

Build and test in small iterations to minimize risk and ensure quality.



A way to package an application and its dependencies together in a single package that can run consistently across different environments.

BDD Expertise:

Behavior-Driven Development approach where application behavior is defined and tested through user scenarios before development.

BDD helps in communication and collaboration between development teams, business stakeholders, and customers, and ensures that the software being developed aligns with the desired business goals.



A way to decompose an application into small, independent services that communicate over well-defined APIs.

The benefits of using microservices in cloud include scalability, resilience, cost-effectiveness, improved development and deployment, and better security.

Why LegitBytes?

Our skilled development teams assist in the creation, implementation, and optimization of your applications utilizing the latest cloud computing methods and tools.

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Intrinsically agile

Your business needs to keep up with continuously evolving market trends and customer expectations. We are extraordinarily agile so that you can pivot strategies at will.

End-to-end services

Be it custom software, cloud solution, mobile application, web app, or any other service, you can leave it all upon us to design, develop, test, maintain, and provide support for the solution.

Delivery mindset

Our top-priority, from the onset, is to meet your requirements. Be it engineering a business solution, or strengthening your team with dedicated devs, we bring untiring commitment to your goals.

Aesthetic appeal

It’s difficult to grab your end user’s attention and we know that. We deliver products that turn eyeballs and captivate audiences with palpably smooth user experiences.

Eminent expertise

No technology, methodology, and domain is alien to our in-house subject matter experts. It means you get top-notch digital products with your business logic ingrained in them.

Complete control

From conceptualization to delivery and maintenance, you stay in the driver’s seat at all times. We take your project’s responsibilities while you stay in control.